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ThePlasmaTube Widget 2.5.1

ThePlasmaTube Widget 2.5.1

Screenshots of ThePlasmaTube Widget

ThePlasmaTube Widget Publisher's Description

Awesome Effects - Huge Size. After Checking out a few of the Motion light widgets for dashboard, I found some great ones but they left something to be desired. I set out on a mission to create the best motion light dashboard widget ever - And I think I have done it! Stunning fluid movement and amazing glow effects all wrapped with a beautiful aluminum tube. Oh, and one more thing ... It's Gigantic!

Engineered Like No Other. The PlasmaTube dashboard widget leaves your grandpas old Motion Light in the 60's! We have filled this sucker with a material patented exclusively to innermindMedia. This Plasma is like no liquid you've ever seen and it simply defies the laws of gravity and physics. This is the ultimate Eye Candy for your OS X Dashboard

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